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Harley Quinn Gotham Girls

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Heroclix DC Harley Quinn Gotham Girls 001 Harley Quinn #001 - Harley Quinn 8 $0.60
Heroclix DC Harley Quinn Gotham Girls 002 Joker #002 - Joker 7 $0.60
Heroclix DC Harley Quinn Gotham Girls 003a Paul Kirk Manhunter #003a - Paul Kirk Manhunter 11 $0.60
Heroclix DC Harley Quinn Gotham Girls 003b Kirk DePaul Manhunter SR Chase Prime #003b - Kirk DePaul Manhunter SR Chase Prime 1 $3.00
Heroclix DC Harley Quinn Gotham Girls 004 Big Tony #004 - Big Tony 3 $0.60
Heroclix DC Harley Quinn Gotham Girls 005 Catman #005 - Catman 12 $0.60
Heroclix DC Harley Quinn Gotham Girls 006 Knockout #006 - Knockout 12 $0.60
Heroclix DC Harley Quinn Gotham Girls 007 Stompa #007 - Stompa 13 $0.60
Heroclix DC Harley Quinn Gotham Girls 008 Plastique #008 - Plastique 17 $0.60
Heroclix DC Harley Quinn Gotham Girls 009 Scarecrow #009 - Scarecrow 5 $0.60
Heroclix DC Harley Quinn Gotham Girls 010 HIVE Trooper #010 - HIVE Trooper 0 $1.00
Heroclix DC Harley Quinn Gotham Girls 011 Asylum Doctor #011 - Asylum Doctor 4 $0.60
Heroclix DC Harley Quinn Gotham Girls 012 Mercenary (Female Soldier) #012 - Mercenary (Female Soldier) 4 $0.60
Heroclix DC Harley Quinn Gotham Girls 013 GCPD Officer (Police) #013 - GCPD Officer (Police) 0 $1.00
Heroclix DC Harley Quinn Gotham Girls 014 Batman #014 - Batman 13 $0.60
Heroclix DC Harley Quinn Gotham Girls 015 Batgirl #015 - Batgirl 4 $1.00
Heroclix DC Harley Quinn Gotham Girls 016 Wonder Woman #016 - Wonder Woman 14 $0.60
Heroclix DC Harley Quinn Gotham Girls 017 Harley Quinn (Bombshell) #017 - Harley Quinn (Bombshell) 0 $1.00
Heroclix DC Harley Quinn Gotham Girls 018 Poison Ivy (Bombshell) #018 - Poison Ivy (Bombshell) 3 $1.00
Heroclix DC Harley Quinn Gotham Girls 019a Bud (Joker Hyena) #019a - Bud (Joker Hyena) 0 $2.00
Heroclix DC Harley Quinn Gotham Girls 019b Lou (Joker Hyena) #019b - Lou (Joker Hyena) 0 $2.00
Heroclix DC Harley Quinn Gotham Girls 020 Catwoman (Bombshell) #020 - Catwoman (Bombshell) 0 $1.00
Heroclix DC Harley Quinn Gotham Girls 021 Scandal Savage #021 - Scandal Savage 0 $1.00
Heroclix DC Harley Quinn Gotham Girls 022 Mad Harriet #022 - Mad Harriet 11 $0.60
Heroclix DC Harley Quinn Gotham Girls 023a Big Barda #023a - Big Barda 1 $1.00
Heroclix DC Harley Quinn Gotham Girls 023b Big Barda SR Chase Prime #023b - Big Barda SR Chase Prime 1 $7.00
Heroclix DC Harley Quinn Gotham Girls 024 Scarecrow (Sinestro Corps) #024 - Scarecrow (Sinestro Corps) 1 $0.60
Heroclix DC Harley Quinn Gotham Girls 025 HIVE Commander #025 - HIVE Commander 0 $1.00
Heroclix DC Harley Quinn Gotham Girls 026 Dr Harleen Quinzel #026 - Dr Harleen Quinzel 7 $0.60
Heroclix DC Harley Quinn Gotham Girls 027 Duchess (Female Soldier) #027 - Duchess (Female Soldier) 3 $0.60
Heroclix DC Harley Quinn Gotham Girls 028 Renee Montoya (GCPD Officer Police) #028 - Renee Montoya (GCPD Officer Police) 0 $1.00
Heroclix DC Harley Quinn Gotham Girls 029 Batman #029 - Batman 9 $0.60
Heroclix DC Harley Quinn Gotham Girls 030 Robin #030 - Robin 8 $0.60
Heroclix DC Harley Quinn Gotham Girls 031 Robin #031 - Robin 2 $0.60
Heroclix DC Harley Quinn Gotham Girls 032 Red Tornado #032 - Red Tornado 2 $0.60
Heroclix DC Harley Quinn Gotham Girls 033 Dr Holly Quinn #033 - Dr Holly Quinn 2 $1.00
Heroclix DC Harley Quinn Gotham Girls 034 Joker (Bianca Steeplechase) #034 - Joker (Bianca Steeplechase) 1 $1.00
Heroclix DC Harley Quinn Gotham Girls 035 Mera (Bombshell) #035 - Mera (Bombshell) 0 $3.00
Heroclix DC Harley Quinn Gotham Girls 036 Stargirl (Bombshell) #036 - Stargirl (Bombshell) 0 $1.50
Heroclix DC Harley Quinn Gotham Girls 037 Batgirl (Bombshell) #037 - Batgirl (Bombshell) 0 $4.00
Heroclix DC Harley Quinn Gotham Girls 038 Batwoman (Bombshell) #038 - Batwoman (Bombshell) 0 $3.00
Heroclix DC Harley Quinn Gotham Girls 039 Jeanette #039 - Jeanette 5 $1.00
Heroclix DC Harley Quinn Gotham Girls 040 Bernadeth #040 - Bernadeth 4 $1.00
Heroclix DC Harley Quinn Gotham Girls 041 Enchantress #041 - Enchantress 3 $1.50
Heroclix DC Harley Quinn Gotham Girls 042 Catwoman #042 - Catwoman 3 $2.00
Heroclix DC Harley Quinn Gotham Girls 043a Harley Quinn #043a - Harley Quinn 4 $3.00
Heroclix DC Harley Quinn Gotham Girls 043b Harley Quinn SR Chase Prime (Sinestro Corps) #043b - Harley Quinn SR Chase Prime (Sinestro Corps) 0 $20.00
Heroclix DC Harley Quinn Gotham Girls 044 Kite Man #044 - Kite Man 0 $4.00
Heroclix DC Harley Quinn Gotham Girls 045 Prometheus #045 - Prometheus 3 $1.50
Heroclix DC Harley Quinn Gotham Girls 046 Granny Goodness #046 - Granny Goodness 2 $1.00
Heroclix DC Harley Quinn Gotham Girls 047 Queen Bee #047 - Queen Bee 5 $1.00
Heroclix DC Harley Quinn Gotham Girls 048 Dr Mid-Nite #048 - Dr Mid-Nite 0 $3.00
Heroclix DC Harley Quinn Gotham Girls 049 Harley Quinn SR #049 - Harley Quinn SR 0 $12.00
Heroclix DC Harley Quinn Gotham Girls 050 Joker SR #050 - Joker SR 3 $8.00
Heroclix DC Harley Quinn Gotham Girls 051 Supergirl SR (Bombshell) #051 - Supergirl SR (Bombshell) 0 $14.00
Heroclix DC Harley Quinn Gotham Girls 052 Wonder Woman SR (Bombshell) #052 - Wonder Woman SR (Bombshell) 0 $20.00
Heroclix DC Harley Quinn Gotham Girls 053 Zatanna +John Constantine SR (Bombshell) #053 - Zatanna +John Constantine SR (Bombshell) 0 $35.00
Heroclix DC Harley Quinn Gotham Girls 054 King Shark SR #054 - King Shark SR 3 $28.00
Heroclix DC Harley Quinn Gotham Girls 055 Giganta SR #055 - Giganta SR 2 $5.00
Heroclix DC Harley Quinn Gotham Girls 056 Lashina SR #056 - Lashina SR 2 $10.00
Heroclix DC Harley Quinn Gotham Girls 057 Nightshade SR #057 - Nightshade SR 0 $14.00
Heroclix DC Harley Quinn Gotham Girls 058 Harley & Poison Ivy SR #058 - Harley & Poison Ivy SR 0 $9.00
Heroclix DC Harley Quinn Gotham Girls 059a Harley Quinn SR (Black Red Lantern) #059a - Harley Quinn SR (Black Red Lantern) 0 $35.00
Heroclix DC Harley Quinn Gotham Girls 059b Harley Quinn SR Chase Prime (Green Lantern) #059b - Harley Quinn SR Chase Prime (Green Lantern) 0 $65.00
Heroclix DC Harley Quinn Gotham Girls 060 Sand SR #060 - Sand SR 3 $6.00
Heroclix DC Harley Quinn Gotham Girls 061 Superman God of Strength SR Chase #061 - Superman God of Strength SR Chase 0 $50.00
Heroclix DC Harley Quinn Gotham Girls 062 Batman God of Knowledge SR Chase #062 - Batman God of Knowledge SR Chase 0 $110.00
Heroclix DC Harley Quinn Gotham Girls 063 Flash God of Death SR Chase #063 - Flash God of Death SR Chase 0 $125.00
Heroclix DC Harley Quinn Gotham Girls 064 Green Lantern God of Light SR Chase #064 - Green Lantern God of Light SR Chase 0 $55.00
Heroclix DC Harley Quinn Gotham Girls 065 Shazam God of Gods SR Chase #065 - Shazam God of Gods SR Chase 0 $50.00
Heroclix DC Harley Quinn Gotham Girls 066 Lex Luthor God of Apokolips SR Chase #066 - Lex Luthor God of Apokolips SR Chase 0 $70.00
Heroclix DC Harley Quinn Gotham Girls 067 Wonder Woman SR Chase #067 - Wonder Woman SR Chase 0 $60.00
Heroclix DC Harley Quinn Gotham Girls 068 Grail SR Chase #068 - Grail SR Chase 0 $60.00
Heroclix DC Harley Quinn Gotham Girls 100 Harlequin LE OP Kit #100 - Harlequin LE OP Kit 2 $6.00
Heroclix DC Harley Quinn Gotham Girls FF001 Batgirl (Fast Forces) #FF001 - Batgirl (Fast Forces) 0 $3.00
Heroclix DC Harley Quinn Gotham Girls FF002 Robin (Fast Forces) #FF002 - Robin (Fast Forces) 0 $3.00
Heroclix DC Harley Quinn Gotham Girls FF003 Batman (Fast Forces) #FF003 - Batman (Fast Forces) 0 $3.00
Heroclix DC Harley Quinn Gotham Girls FF004 Joker (Fast Forces) Bianca Steeplechase #FF004 - Joker (Fast Forces) Bianca Steeplechase 0 $3.00
Heroclix DC Harley Quinn Gotham Girls FF005 Harley Quinn (Fast Forces) #FF005 - Harley Quinn (Fast Forces) 0 $5.00
Heroclix DC Harley Quinn Gotham Girls FF006 Corrupt GCPD Cop (Fast Forces) #FF006 - Corrupt GCPD Cop (Fast Forces) 0 $8.00

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